Sunday, November 29, 2015

25 Uses for Ipads

The Admin team challenged our staff to discover the many ways Ipads can be used in the classroom.  Naturally, I enlisted my students for help.  Check out our video that shows how Ipads can be used in various subjects, as wacky prizes for our PAX games (more on that another day), as study tools, and as a teacher's aid.  My thanks to my students for their great ideas!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Students teaching students

The Digital Design Class visited their sister school, St. Mary’s at the end of May.  The junior high computer class had prepared tutorials about QR codes.  They then partnered with a St. Martin’s student to teach them how to create their own codes.

Later, the high school CTS class demonstrated the step-by-step process of designing and printing a t-shirt.  Students saw how a unique design on a computer is printed and transferred to the t-shirt.  They quickly discovered that these students had to have GRIT in order to have a polished final product.  These same students created the t-shirts that the grade 6’s will receive as a welcome gift to St. Mary’s.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blogging Bliss

 Did you ever notice how a lot of technology today does not include an instruction booklet?  When I bought my iphone, I thought the manufacturers forgot to include the "magic guide" to using the device!  I quickly learned that one learns by trying- trial and error, and by learning tricks from others.

This is so true in our Digital Design class.  Last week, I introduced blogging to my students and showed them a couple of steps to getting started.  They took the program and explored, adapted, and personalized their own personal blogging space.  They helped each other along the way.  And they didn't need an instruction book at all.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lego Movies

We were inspired to use Lego make a movie.  The students were given a section in the Bible to recreate the last days of Jesus.  They had to understand their reading so that they could build a set and characters.  The students used cameras to take pictures for the action.  Check out one of the final products!

Friday, January 30, 2015


Happy Friday!
I'm excited to be posting my first blog.  I'm currently working as a 5/6 teacher at St. Martin's School.  My philosophy is to help students learn how to help themselves.  This blog is my personal example.  I'm learning from my admin how to take risks and try new things.  So hence, my blog is a learning process, and I may make mistakes along the way.

I teach Digital Design.  In this class I've learned how the students are unafraid to try things.  They will fearlessly press icons, regardless of what the outcome may be.  As I watch them, I notice how carefree they are. I also see how they work together and share with each other what they've learned.   I'm learning from my students to not be afraid to try something new and to ask my colleagues for assistance, because we're all in this together.


P.S.   If you don't see any other blogs after this one, it's perhaps because I can't remember how to get back to my blog page!